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We Love You Misty!

We Love You Misty!

Misty's exceptional leadership skills and remarkable ability to inspire and empower both our residents and staff has made an outstanding impact within our organization. We are deeply grateful for her unwavering dedication and service to WVCORR, which have been invaluable in helping us adapt and grow. While under Misty’s care WVCORR was able to open two additional residential houses, gain he accreditation of RCO for the organization, open an accredited Licensed Behavioral Health center, and create many relationships with other organizations to expand services. As Misty transitions into her new role using her MSW, she has Estella Garber under her wing to prepare her for the position as new director. Estella has demonstrated empathy, transparency, humility, creativity, compassion, delegation, and many other qualities during her years of service with our organization. We are excited to welcome her as our new director and look forward to the continued growth and success of WVCORR under her guidance.

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